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Can i recover my car if i file chapter 13?

You can recover your repossessed vehicle if you quickly file for Chapter 13 after it was taken. Read below to find out how.

Can i get my car back i i file chapter 13?

If your car was recently repossessed, you may be able to recover it if you act quickly and file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Generally, the automatic stay will prevent a creditor from any collection efforts on a debt. If the creditor has not yet taken possession of the car, that means they will be prevented from taking it. However, if they already have it in their possession but have not yet sold it in satisfaction of the debt, filing a Chapter 13 may be able to suspend the sale and force the creditor to return the vehicle. A creditor in Tennessee must wait 10 days after the repossession of a vehicle before attempting to sell it. This means, if you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy quickly enough, you can proposed a plan to return the vehicle and pay it pursuant to your plan. It requires coordination with your creditors and sometimes a bit of negotiation, so it may be a good idea to consult with a lawyer. If you are in ElizabethtonJohnson City, Kingsport, or surrounding areas and are in need of an affordable bankruptcy lawyer, let us know and we can help recover your recently repossessed vehicle. Call or click  for a free appointment if you need assistance recovering a recently repossessed vehicle.
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